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Friday, 18 August 2017

A little bit personal...

Sorry for the hiatus! The past few months have been filled with mega highs and mega lows and mega disappointment. But, in between I have enjoyed a fabulous weekend in Berlin with one of my besties,two trips to Disney with another of my besties, made 'friends' on Instagram, which in itself is a weird concept, but I find myself genuinely caring about these people as if I'd physically seen them a week or so ago.

Anyway, after my truly honest post about losing a best friend, which I've got to say, hand on heart, is the worst kind of break up to go through, and following on from that a string of disasterous online dates, disappointment when things don't work out and a truly challenging couple of months where my Grandparents had to go in to emergency care when their house was flooded by a broken toilet.

I remember sitting on the sofa at New Year, thinking that 2017 was going to be so much better than 2016. I wouldn't say I was anywhere near feeling positive, but I was going in to the year with the right mindset. What it's taken me 8.5 months to realise, is mindset is SO important.

I discovered Kelly @Love.Yourself.Lean on Instagram through another persons story where she said her followers had to go and watch Kelly's stories from that day, she was hilariously trying maternity pants and dancing around like a loon. I laughed hard. From the pit of my belly. I started following Kelly and soon realised that her account wasn't just about her blossoming baby bump and various Tena Lady products, but she had her own website and range of journals and openly shared her story.

Over the last week or so I've been doing her #SoulSoak programme. It's taken me such a long time, but I finally feel like I'm getting there. I've made the decision to be happy, the decision to alter my mindset and just let it all go. As a result, I am feeling so much more balanced, more rooted and just genuinely happier and more content. I think anyone that had gone through the last 18 months of my life would've struggled with their mental health, and that is OK. It's OK to not be OK.

If you've not visited www.loveyourselflean.co.uk then I highly recommend it. Kelly's journals look great too, but I've not yet managed to get one. If you're feeling a bit out of sorts, or if you're just interested, I cannot recommend #SoulSoak enough, it's teaching me to just step back. To press re-set. To appreciate the little things. The look around me instead of just looking down all the time.

Have a great weekend,

Ems xx 

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